MULONGA Water and Sewerage Company has started the laying of a 16 inch pipe from its Konkola Copper Mine treatment plant to Lulamba Township at a cost of K1.5 billion.
Company Managing Director Manuel Mutale told Journalists on Wednesday during the tour of the infrastructure that the Lulamba line which fed almost half of Chingola’s population was small and dilapidated thus the need for immediate upgrading.
Mr Mutale said the leaking old line was 12 inches in size but was feeding Chikola, Chiwempala, Chabanyama, Lulamba, Twatasha and other new settlements.
He said the project was financed by Government through the Ministry of Local Government in its effort to improve water reticulation and sanitation standards in most of the Townships.
The replacement of the pipeline would cover a distance of 1.4 kilometres and each new pipe was 12 metres long, valued at K17 million each.
The project would help the company further facilitate improved water supply to some clients who last received tap water about 20 years ago.
He said leakages were hampering on company revenue as the uncounted for water was standing at 42 per cent.
The leaks further reduced on the water pressure.
Mr Mutale said after improving the water supply, the company would undertake a project to improve the sewer lines.
He said the current projects were intervention measures aimed at giving customers water as the company was working out on the permanent solutions.
Mr Mutale said his water utility was pleased with President Michael Sata’s message during the official opening of parliament in which he said that Government would give grants to water utility companies.
As the only water utility company in the country without donor support, Mr Mutale said Mulonga Water was expectant of the Government grant.
A resident of Chikola B Township, Florence Musonda said she was happy with the improved water reticulation by Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company.
Ms Musonda said the people of Chikola had resorted to drinking water from wells.
“We are happy that Mulonga Water and Government decided to sort out this problem. We have suffered for a long time,” she said.
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