Monday, May 6, 2013

No convention for MMD-Kaingu

THE MMD has said it will not hold an extra-ordinary convention as called for by some party organs, MMD vice president Michael Kaingu has said.
Dr Kaingu said the party’s constitution already stipulated that the party president reserved the right to call for a convention and also mandated him to stay in office for a period of five years.
He said during a press briefing in Lusaka yesterday, that calls for a convention were misplaced.
He also called for the resignation of Republican Vice President Guy Scott regarding a statement he issued in the Guardian Weekly Newspaper.
He called on the Government to issue an apology to South Africa, over Dr Scott’s alleged disparaging comment.
Dr Kaingu said sentiments attributed to Dr Scott had negatively affected Zambia’s standing in the region and in Africa.
He said as a nation, Zambians were proud of their contribution towards the liberation of other countries and that it was not fair for Dr Scott to undo the good that the country had garnered over the years.
“We demand that he resigns. We have had situations in the MMD where people were compelled to resign like was the case with Dora,” he said.
And Former Ambassador to China and chairperson for international relations, Joyce Musenge said issues of diplomatic friction between two nations required to be resolved amicably.
 “In diplomacy we can’t wait for the Vice-President to explain the context of his remarks, this is a disservice to the historic friendly relations that the two countries enjoyed,” Ms Musenge.
Dr Kaingu also welcomed Father Frank Bwalya’s move to join active politics.
He said he had rescinded his earlier statement that he wouldo resign from the party if Fr Bwalya were to join, calling it a slip of the tongue.
“The other thing that I should say is that Fr Bwalya is welcome to join the party, I know I said that I would resign if he joined but that was a slip of the tongue,” he said.


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