Sunday, April 7, 2013

Chingola, politicians’ dairy cow

CHINGOLA is politicians’ dairy, Buntungwa ward Councillor Derrick Chilundika has said.

Speaking with The Independent Observer, Mr Chilundika said Chingola was like a dairy cow that give politicians votes they require but without paying attention to its developmental needs. 

He said the once beautiful town had been on record of contributing over 80 per cent of votes to an incoming Government.

The Councillor said in 1991 during the MMD revolution to oust UNIP out of power, Chingola contributed over 80 per cent of votes and in 2011 it was again the second from Kabwata as highest voter contributor.

"Yet in spite of this higher mass voter input, the town has nothing to point at as having been done by an incoming government besides the houses given to sitting tenants by FTJ. We give politicians support on a higher mass but are we a daily cow that is simply milked without being properly fed in order to continue producing the milk.

“Regarding roads its déjà vu(same old story). The roads done in colonial times are the only road infrastructure existing in the district. In 2007 Turner Construction was awarded the contract to do 23.5 kilometres of urban roads but he failed the people of Chingola. The same contract was later given to Red Lion but it was déjà vu.

The Civic leader said the same contract with the same number of kilometer was given to MIVAMI Construction.

“Here we are talking about seven to eight years done the line. And why should we continue to be given 23.5km of paved roads when the district has a stretch of over 470 km? Above all the 23.5km doesn't carter the critical roads.

“What were the criteria in selecting MIVAMI when the district had two contractors namely China Janxi and China Corporation on site? China Janxi was hired by Konkola Copper Mines to do 7.5 km as its corporate and social responsibility while China Corporation was hired by government to work on some roads,” he complained.

He said Chingola contributes over 60 per cent towards Gross Domestic Products and the national economy yet the town was like a sandy Shang’ambo.

Mr Chilundika thought that after the two learned Members of Parliament in Wybur Simuusa and Joseph Katema were appointed full cabinet ministers’ things would change to befit the town’s cabinet status but things didn't turn out as expected.

Mr Chilundika said that despite Chingola boasting of its natural adornment, the once cleanest town in Zambia wore the face of a ghost town.

He said the district needed its share from the national cake rather than being turned into politicians dairy cattle where they just milk without feeding it for further dairy production.

Mr Chilundi said that when Nchanga MP Mr Simuusa was in opposition by PF he was so clear that he failed to comprehend why him being the richest MP (natural resources from his constituency) would have a town that looks like a ghost city.


Uncle Icecream said...

Did you mean dairy cow?
i agree with most of the things said, concerning our roads here in Chingola something is wrong somewhere. thats why i think we need a stakeholders meeting with our two mps, mayor,councilors and dc. maybe this can help
.-- Uncle Icecream

Unknown said...

Thanks for that eye of an eagle

Anonymous said...

I think if we are going to be fair it is your MMD government that left these bad roads though our MPs have failled us MWALYA MWERKA DADDY (MMD)

Anonymous said...

We hope you also have not turned your electorate into a dairy cow because we know you have ambitions of becoming MP for Nchanga

Anonymous said...

I understand from the immidiate passed full council meeting you were againist discplining corrupt councillors whats your comment

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